I came to serve Mt. Tabor in 2014 as Senior Pastor. I am a graduate of
Samford University, Beeson Divinity School: D. Min. 2016 “Developing Divine Intimacy through Daily
Prayer and Bible Reading.” I also have a MDiv from
Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, School of Theology, 2001 and a B.A. in Christian Studies from North Greenville University, 1997.
The primary enjoyment of being a pastor for me is building relationships with God and the people, I also
enjoy the study in preparation to preach, teach, the counseling or opportunities to speak at an event.The office of pastor presents many diverse opportunities to make a difference. Day to day, you never know exactly what will happen. Encouraging those that are discouraged, weddings, funerals, hospital visits, etc there is never a dull moment. I am thankful to be a Pastor at MTBC.
I married to my best friend and wife Mikki Blankenship in 2001. We have three wonderful children, Seth, Abi, and Maggie.